10 Tips for Going Small
10 Tips for Going Small

September 17 2021

10 Tips for Going Small

 Are you considering going small? Thinking of downsizing? Live in a small apartment or a tiny house? Whatever your situation is, Showhome Furniture got some great tips for you for going small! We also offer FREE interior design consultations that will surely help you. 

1. Light

Light is probably the most important consideration when trying to make a small space feel bigger. If you are going small, consider letting in as much light, from as many different directions as possible to make the space feel and look warm and spacious. If natural light isn’t an option, make the most of lights from above, table lamps and floor lamps.

Calgary sofas

Photo Source: Lonny.com

2. Multi Purpose

One of the most clever uses of small spaces is when you can multipurpose them. Use a step ladder that can fold out into a table, or fold down into a bed. Create a bar that can sink into the floor or rise to play games on top. If you’ve ever watched any of those Tiny Homes videos you will see just how versatile one piece of furniture can actually be! If you are lost for ideas of what Calgary furniture you can buy or create that will serve multifunction, just look at RV suggestions online. They’ll give you a whole bunch of ideas. In the photo below, you can see that a fairly small room is being used as the living room, the bedroom and the library. 

Calgary living room

Photo Source: https://www.aplusstud.io/

3. Simplify

When considering space simplifying is an essential element to making a small space work for your family. The first thing that I would do, if I were moving into a small space is to simplify and get rid of EVERYTHING that I don’t use or need. I easily throw away things that are not needed. If you have difficulty getting rid of things, one thing that usually works for me, is I pick up the item I am considering getting rid of and I give myself mental permission to buy it again in the future if I really need it. That frees me to let go of more.

4. Pay Attention to Perimeters

When designing a small space there is no reason to ditch your large furniture if you have some. Instead, just place the furniture (bookshelves, couch etc) in strategic locations. Locating them against the perimeter of the room leave the room still feeling spacious by painting a feeling of depth.

Photo Source: https://www.housebeautiful.com/

5. Mirror Mirror on the Wall

One of the things that makes a small space look small is that it doesn’t usually have as much opportunity for light as larger spaces. Using mirrors on walls that don’t have windows can help reflect light and really open up the space visually. Mirrors of course are a practical piece of decor just on their own. It is perfectly acceptable to use one large mirror or several smaller mirrors scattered throughout the room. You may even want to create a gallery wall of mirrors like you would do with family pictures.

Calgary mirrors

6. Storage

Storage in any home is essential, but storage in a small space must be approached with creativity and enthusiasm! I spent 2 years of my life living on a boat. Every bed was made up of cupboards that would fold open allowing us access to all the space underneath them. Showhome Furniture Calgary has plenty of storage options that double as stunning pieces of furniture. If you are stuck finding good storage options, come down to the store and ask one of our designers to help you! Also remember, the more organized your storage is the more easy it is to function from day to day in a small space!

7. Rugs

Decorating a small space requires some imagination and creativity. IT is excellent if you can find ways to trick your eye into seeing more than there really is. A large rug in a small space automatically suggests to your mind that your space is big. When buying rugs for small spaces GO BIG!


8. Take Advantage of Your Space

Consider the ceiling, the walls and the floors all as additional places that you can either store or decorate. Don’t neglect these spots simply because they aren’t sitting on your door. Affix shelving and art to the walls to help you hold more. When hanging curtains hang them as high as you can so they give the allusion that the room is still full sized.

9. Brighten up!

Brighten up your space using fresh flowers and real plants. They let off a feeling and energy that improves any space, boat or office! Dead or dying plants will give the opposite affect, so be sure to keep your plants alive if you choose to go natural. It’s also amazing how going natural affects our brains, allowing it to function more effectively and releasing hormones that make us happy!

Calgary beds

10. Divide

It’s quite possible in a small space that you will have to share functions of any given room. The living room might double as the bedroom at night. Take this into consideration when planning your small space, and remember that one way to support small spaces is to divide areas using temporary dividers or even bookcases. These will allow light to shine through and not clutter up the space during the daytime, but when it’s dark outside and you take them out to prepare for bed, it gives more a feeling of privacy as well as a design element to your space.

Photo Source: Agota Rimsaite

My final tips when working to furnish and decorate a small home is work WITH your intuition. If something feels cluttered do without. Pay special attention to storage and light and before you know I think you will be falling in love with your small space! Good luck and happy decorating!