May 18 2020
5 Tips to Making Mealtime Special During Self Isolation
I have to confess that before Covid-19 our family rarely had time to sit down together to eat meals. We always were sort of eating at the same time, but there wasn’t much incentive to just sit and be with each other. Now, it seems like we have nothing BUT time!
That means we have time for each other. And isn’t that a beautiful thing? YES IT IS! In fact, it is probably the most beautiful thing about being stuck inside. So here are my best tips for talking advantage of this wonderful opportunity and making meal times special!
1. Use your fancy dishes
Sometimes I put on a beautiful table cloth and set out my prettiest dishes. Yes I have young kids, but you know what, they all pay attention when I set the table like this. They love feeling special and important, and by using my special and important dishes it sends the message to them that THEY are special and important!
2. Put on Pretty Music
I love playing some soft piano music in the background when we are eating, it gives less air space for arguing children, and with a big family that is important and sets a calm peaceful mood.
3. Use Candles
Who doesn’t love candles? They can be real ones, or they can be electric ones, but whichever one you choose, dim the lights, and light the candles for your family dinner!
4. Everybody Contribute
Usually just mom or dad makes the meal, but if you want to do something to make meal time special include the kids. Give everyone a specific assignment and work together in the kitchen. Its fun creating together, and you’d be amazed what a beautiful thing it is to see what the kids have come up with when given the reigns to the kitchen!
5. No Devices
Dinnertime In our family is sacred time, this is a device free zone and that includes the parents. We put our phones on silent mode and keep them in the other room. If one of them rings, we don’t answer it. This sends the subliminal message to the family that they are more important than anything that might come in on the phone.
Of course, I want to remind you all that Showhome Furniture Calgary is ALWAYS OPEN for online shopping! We have people at our warehouse who are happy and willing to take you on a tour and arrange ordering and delivering of furniture during this challenging time. We’ve got your back, and can’t wait till the time comes that we get to meet again in our store!!
What about you? What is your favorite meal time tradition to make it special?