5 Ways of Using Scandinavian Decor In Your Home
5 Ways of Using Scandinavian Decor In Your Home

September 06 2020

5 Ways of Using Scandinavian Decor In Your Home

There is something so refreshing about walking in a Scandinavian home. Their style is very unique, yet feels familiar and comfortable. Even if you don’t have Scandinavian roots, you can enjoy their style in your home by following these simple tips from Showhome Furnitures top designers. Remember, if you have any trouble at all about how to decorate your home, you can give us a call and book your free on-hour design consultation today!

One of the reasons we love Scandinavian interior design is that it manages to create a space that is at once modern, airy, tidy, and cozy at the same time. It is a space that welcomes good conversation and people while keeping their stuff to a minimum.

The most important thing you can do to create a Scandinavian feel in your home is to make sure that your rooms are full of natural light. The more you can free your windows up from dark curtains (or curtains altogether), and liberate the most amount of light into your room the better.

Keeping your walls a very light color is part of the Scandivavian look. That doesn’t mean you have to keep your walls white, though white is a popular color. You can paint them any warm, light color to reflect and take advantage of the light coming in from your window.

While your walls should be very light, your furniture and accessories should not. A Hallmark feature of Scandinavian design is high contrast. Dark furniture with clean lines will contrast with the light walls. Also, using modern furniture will often be the perfect contrast to more ornate architectural feature you might have in your home.

Layering your accessories with different textures is a fabulous way of creating intrigue in your decorating. Make good use of long wool rugs, and pillows. Thick chunky throws and natural cow rugs are perfect for the Scandinavian look.

Lastly, think cozy! Scandinavian’s love being cozy. This can be achieved by adding a few extra pillows to your simple lined couch, or an extra blanket to the end of your bed. Using the warmth of wood to decorate, or candles is also an excellent way of adding warmth to your room.

Scandinavian’s are experts in creating a spaces that are both spacious and cozy. If this is a feel you would like to create in your home, just follow our tips and in no time at all you will have a home that is tidy, carefully put together and cozy-Scandinavian style!

For some more personal, one-on-one advice, give our designers a call to book your free one-hour design consultation.