January 13 2016
Master Bedroom Design Ideas

Whether you are staging, your home for sale or simply decorating for you and your family, one of the most important rooms you can focus on is the master bedroom. A retreat a relaxing peaceful place to begin and end your wonderful day! Sometimes we put this room at the end of our to-do list, concentrating on the public spaces of our home first. But our souls crave an area of beauty and order.
By making your master bedroom a priority, you give yourself an oasis - just the tool you need to finish the other parts of your home. As the inner sanctuary of your home, your bedroom and should be a place of peace and rejuvenation. In the relaxing atmosphere of a well-designed bedroom, you can reconnect with who and what matters the most. You can recharge and refresh.
Your bed should be cozy and well-structured to give you the night’s sleep you need to handle your busy days. Enticing, easy-care bedding helps, as does a well-structured mattress big enough for you and your partner (and whatever little people might make their way to your room in the night). If possible, there should be plenty of natural light, and adequate artificial lighting, too. Even if you like waking up to a darkened room, there is nothing quite like the lift you get from opening blinds or curtains and letting sunlight flood your space.
Master Bedroom Design Ideas
Furnishing your bedroom should be fun and purposeful. For your furniture, rather than simply utilizing castoffs from other places in the home, choose pieces that are both beautiful and practical, ones that will not only help maintain order but will tell some of your story. Once the main items are in place, consider choosing accessories, maybe whimsical and playful, that delight you and that you want to wake up to each morning.
Properly designed and decorated, your bedroom should remind you daily of the things that are really important in life and offer you a place of refreshment, a place that will welcome you at the end of the day. By investing time to create a space where you can rest, dream, plan, giggle together and create bonds, you will enjoy your bedroom more and feel more connected to it.
You deserve to have a beautiful space! We hope you have fun creating and styling your masterbedroom and transforming it into a place of rest! We would love to see a pic of what you you done with your space.