Still Time to Enjoy the Weather
Still Time to Enjoy the Weather

August 26 2018

Still Time to Enjoy the Weather

Calgary Patio
This warm weather is so enticing, and I love being outside on our patio. In the summer I like to spend as much time as possible breathing fresh air and getting sunshine. If you live in Calgary, breathing fresh air and sunshine have been a bit scarce due to massive forest fires all throughout BC. I am going to hope that all these fires are quickly put out, and plan my perfect pergola to be enjoyed when the sun actually can show it's face again.

A pergola is just another room to decorate and should be tackled in the same way you would decorate any room in your home. Look at the space, add your big items, add the items that you want to showcase and then pull it all together with some great accessories.  Here are some great things to add to your pergola to make it truly another room to spend time in.

Curtains are such a fun thing to add to your pergola. Pergola's by design are lightweight and have no wall. Curtains will make your pergola feel intimate and soften the hard wood or metal lines most pergola's are made from. Make sure your curtains are made with outdoor fabric for the longest lasting effect, but even sheer inexpensive curtains that last one season are worth spending money on.

Calgary Patio

At Showhome furniture we know that adding high-quality outdoor furniture is a must.  How can you enjoy a space without comfortable furniture to relax on.  Getting well-built outdoor furniture makes all the difference to your living space and will last for many, many years.

A great way to bring color into your pergola space is using outdoor beautiful cushions!!  Most stores will carry a variety of outdoor pillows to choose from, but if you can't find what you are looking for, making your own cushion covers is very simple!

Proper lighting in a pergola is so important and can make it so you enjoy your space day and night. You can string a few large strings of lights around your pergola, or a bunch of outdoor twinkle lights look gorgeous. If you want to be fancy you can wire up a chandelier or hang a candle chandelier in the middle of your pergola. Even battery operated candles will add romance, beauty and ambiance to your space.

Calgary Patio

Live plants are an awesome way of making your pergola feel enticing and delightful. You can hang them in baskets, put them on the pole of your pergola, or have them in containers.

Calgary Patio

Plants, even fake plants, really can bring a whole space together in ways that nothing else can.

Now, the last tip Showhome furniture has for you, to help make your pergola one of the most 'go to' places in your yard is to add something to the floor! You can add an outdoor rug, or interesting gravel if your pergola is not on a deck.  Real or fake grass is great or painting the floor is another way to liven up your space!

 If you want to get expert design ideas for your space then don't miss the opportunity of our FREE design consultations from our expert designers. We will make your home into a Showhome for less.