April 15 2020
11 Tips for Decorating on a Budget
I have often been called an optimist. But I really believe that everyone, anywhere in the world can have a beautiful home if they want one.
I recently heard my two youngest children discussing the magic B-word in our house. The conversation went as follows. Older kid to younger kid’ Do you know what word I hate?”
Younger kid answers ‘What word?’
Older kid ‘It’s a bad word’
Younger kid ‘Tell me’
Older kid ‘I hate the word budget’.
Oh my gosh, I laughed so hard when I heard this conversation. At their young age, they had obviously caught on more than I had thought. But, for me, the word budget is a wonderful word. It means I can do what I want, and have what I want because I’m willing to budget. It means I don’t have to go into debt and I have the control and freedom of spending when the timing is right.
One of the secrets I have, is that I really, really love a beautiful home. Of course, If I could I would pop on into Showhome Furniture and change out my furniture every year, but we don’t all have that luxury, and it’s okay! You can have a gorgeous home, with minimal spending and I’m going to tell you how!
1. Paint a Wall
Adding an accent wall in your home is a cheap solution to brightening up an changing a huge space with minimal expenses. Everyone loves an accent wall, you could even do it with wallpaper, but the paint itself is a fantastic option.
2. Use A Slip Cover
Got some old furniture that is looking worn out? No problem, have you checked out the huge selection of adorable fabrics that stretchy furniture slipcovers have online recently? For less than $100 you can buy a slipcover and give your couch or chair a brand new look!
Photo Source: AliExpress
3. DeJunk
Getting rid of old junk can instantly make a place look better. Dated, worn out, or broken furniture, toys or decor do more harm than good. When in doubt, throw it out!! Take this example from Martha Stewart, the dishes are gorgeous, but maybe you don't need quite so many?!
Photo Source: Martha Stewart
4. Add panels, lace or something fun to your Curtains
Instead of buying some new curtains just do something fun with your old ones! Add some pretty lace, or an iron-on trim to basic panels to make them look better.
5. Fresh Plants
Fresh plants are the best way to freshen up a dull space. Even a faux plant can make a chic decor spotlight for a dusty corner or dark crevice. Often taking a fresh plant that can be purchased inexpensively can be made to look fabulous by finding a cool pot to put it in. Hit up your local thrift store or repurpose something you already have.
Photo Source: Leonie Freeman / Hardie Grant Books
6. Shop Deal Sites
If there is something you must have and you really need to improve your home decor, try to find the item on sale. Deal sites are a great way to search for something that you love and many of them allow you to set up alerts when the item you are looking at goes on sale. Great news because Showhome Furniture have tons of sales every week! Check out our sale here.
7. Camouflage the cords!
Let’s face it, cords are ugly! You can find corn concealers online for as little as $10. Hiding the cords can go a long way in cleaning up an area and making it look fresh and organized.
8. Go Thrifting!
Thrift store shopping is my #1 priority when it comes to decorating on a budget. I have a few tips that might help you. #1, be patient- you can usually get anything you want at a thrift store, but you must be patient for it to come in! #2 don’t be afraid to makeover. Do you see something you love in the wrong color? No problem, get some paint and sandpaper and give it a new coat. Thrifting is not only fun, it’s good for the environment too!
9. Upgrade Your Trim
Cheap, thin trim isn’t very attractive. But add a couple more layers of trim to the existing stuff that you have and ‘voila’ it looks 100x better!
10. Accessorize!
This is by far one of my favorite ways to improve a boring, dull space. Accessories are much cheaper than furniture and can be purchased for an affordable price.
Some pretty new cushion covers, a new lamp shade or buying some modern glass to go around an old chandelier can make something old look brand new!
11. Art
Art is Cheap! It’s so cheap and you can find it anywhere! You can even make your own if you are a crafter or a painter, or you can blow up a favorite photo. But for maximum impact hang artwork in a group rather than scattering it around the room, or hang something very large.
Okay, folks, that is my best 11 tips for decorating on a budget. Pop into Showhome Furniture Calgary to get a free design consultation or just look online. But either way, I hope you get inspired!