5 Tips for Turning Your Bedroom into An Oasis
5 Tips for Turning Your Bedroom into An Oasis

May 06 2020

5 Tips for Turning Your Bedroom into An Oasis

Let’s face it, we are all stuck at home and if we don’t get some alone time we are all gonna go crazy! That is why I am doing a post today on how to turn your bedroom into an oasis of peace, tranquility, and fashion!

Here are my best tips  for transforming your master bedroom:

1. DESIGN IT- The layout of your bedroom is key to making it work for you and not the other way around. When considering layout pay attention to where the light in the room is coming from. Place your bed so that there is space on either side of it creating a more spacious airy feeling.  Bedside tables should be the same height as the top layer of your bed for a more uniform feeling. Showhome Furniture Calgary has GORGEOUS bedside tables!

2. DON’T CROWD IT- Do not under any circumstances allow clutter to cohabitant in your oasis. Get rid of anything and everything that does not bring you peace or that is not easily covered up or organized. When you have a clean, open space free of clutter, your whole being will thank you.

3. LIGHT- For an oasis of tranquility you will for sure want to have several choices for light and how you can change the mood of the room depending on the need. I like to make sure that I have big bright windows, but that I also have blackout blinds for when I want to have darkness, which is ideal for sleeping. I also put in extra light in the ceiling that is on a dimmer switch. IF it’s just for myself to relax as I soak in a hot tub or for a little romance when my husband comes home, a dimmer switch is a must-have!

4. DECORATE SIMPLY- I love to have a couple of potted plants that are real in my bedroom. I use them as part of my decor. I also want a few pictures in pretty frames that show my family or that I find peaceful. I always choose a really pretty journal so that I can keep it on my bedside table and write down my thoughts as they come.

5. CREATE A ROUTINE- When making your bedroom an oasis, you want to have a routine that is as peaceful as your new bedroom will be. I like to have a natural light-emitting alarm clock that softly wakes me up using natural light in the morning, instead of an obnoxious and loud alarm.

I have candles on a timer that comes on at 8pm (when my husband and I would ideally like to be retreating to our room together) and that stay on for 2 hours. They are all automatic, and it’s like instant romance when we go into our bedroom, and if you don’t have a partner, it’s instant relaxation! Keep your temperature couple degrees lower in your bedroom than in the rest of the house. It will help you to sleep more deeply and stay asleep longer. Never keep your phone by your bed, it’s distracting and the wifi signals are unhealthy to sleep beside. Plug it in on the other side of the room.


Of course, I want to remind you all that Showhome Furniture Calgary is ALWAYS OPEN for online shopping! We have people at our warehouse who are happy and willing to take you on a tour and arrange ordering and delivering of furniture during this challenging time. We’ve got your back, and can’t wait till the time comes that we get to meet again in our store!!