7 Tips for Setting Up the Perfect Laundry Room!
7 Tips for Setting Up the Perfect Laundry Room!

June 29 2020

7 Tips for Setting Up the Perfect Laundry Room!

I have a HUGE family, and a big part of making sure that I can function every day is ensuring that I have a clean, organised laundry room! I am a true believer that laundry rooms need special attention to make them work for YOU instead of you working for THEM!

 It’s so easy to let the laundry pile grow and grow, but when you’ve created a system for your laundry you are much less likely to allow clutter and chaos to accumulate.

1. Fantastic Color Scheme

I want my laundry room to be SUPER cute! But if its connected to a room where a door will ever be open and you can see into from another space in the house than choosing a color that matches or at least coordinates with the laundry room color will make you very happy! So when choosing what color to paint your laundry room do a color that looks good with the other rooms in your house.

 2. Amazing Storage

Okay, so when talking about laundry room, especially if you have kids, storage has got to be a HUGE priority! I have three Long shelves lined with baskets and glass jars. The glass jars are huge and they have soap, laundry powder, bleach and oxyclean in them. Sooo much cuter than the ugly containers I bought them in.

I have a long counter and use all the space under the counter top for baskets, that make it easy to sort and store the clothes as they come out. Anything I don’t use everyday like ironing board and iron need to be stored away to reduce the look of clutter in my laundry room.

If you are struggling for some good storage containers, please don’t hesitate to stop by Showhome Furniture Calgary and get a free design consultation from one of our onsite designers. We have tons of beautiful storage solutions that are high quality AND affordable!

3. Be consistent

Because cleaning products aren’t always packaged in a way that is aesthetically pleasing, you can either put them all in your own containers or at least buy from the same brand. The same brand, although not gorgeous in and of itself will at least look nice on the shelf all next to itself.


Everything in the laundry room needs to match. If you have bottles of cleaners make them all the same shape and size. IF you have baskets, make sure they are all the same color and style and size. One of the biggest keys to organizing a space to look pretty is to keep the styles and colors matching.

5. Label Everything!

Walking into a room that is all matching and with neatly labeled baskets, bins, & jars will make you happy, I promise!

6. Increase Counter space

Nothing makes a better laundry room than having a big enough counter to pour out the clothes and sort and fold. If you have any chance to increase the counter square footage DO IT!

7. Best Laundry Baskets

Buying a 3 bag laundry hamper allows you to separate clothes by color when they are worn. Remember to label the hamper so everyone knows that one basket is for lights, one for darks and one for whites. This saves you time and hassle when it’s time to wash the clothes.

Whether laundry is your favorite chore in the house, or it’s your least favorite, we all have to do it! These practical storage solutions and decorating tips will make you happy to step into your laundry room every. single. Day.