December 11 2018
Four Fun Christmas Activities Around Calgary
There are many different events that you can do around the Calgary area during the Christmas season, all of which allow you to spend time with those that you love. Christmas is the time of year when you want to spend all your free time with your family and those you care about, but sometimes you can't find the things to do.

Sometimes you can find things to do but the cost to do them are too much for the whole family to go and enjoy, but there are many different ways to go out with your family and not break the bank doing them.

Everyone loves Christmas songs. Everyone loves carollers, and this is why you can find them everywhere throughout the city because it signals the most magical time of year.

What better way to celebrate the season by getting your family out there to sing your favourite Christmas songs to your neighbours.
You get to spend time with your family and bring the joy of Christmas to your friends. Kids enjoy belting out their favourite tunes, showing off to the people they know about how well they can sing (or think they can sing.) It gives you a chance to show your family and how much they have grown over the year to those you may not see all the time.

Every year at Heritage Park there is an amazing live nativity put on by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. They have live animals and people. It runs through December until the Christmas Eve. There is no charge to go and see the event either. Although it is outdoors so bundled up for the weather. You can also visit Showhome furniture in Calgary with all their Christmas decor and Nativity decor in place.

It’s a wonderful way to spend time with your family and learn about the meaning behind Christmas. The LDS church has done this for many years, and every year the performance is live.


There is a fun way to get them all involved and excited, enjoying the time of year. Take some Karaoke equipment and sing to them all. Even get them to sing along with you. It’s a fun way to spend your time and bring the joy to others as well.
This time of year can be a stressful time of year for many people, and it brings up feelings that people don't know how to deal with. With your family or even on your own, there are small acts of kindness that you can do to brighten up someone's day.

- Buying someone behind you a coffee.
- Throwing some extra change in the cup of a homeless person.
- Volunteering at the local homeless shelter.
- Helping a woman with her child on the C-train.
These acts of kindness not only help the person that you have done them for, but they help you get that feeling of being helpful as well. That person you may have bought the coffee for may have just had an awful day, and you helped them believe there are good people still around. You never know what your actions could do for someone else's day, and could be the thing they need this time of year.

BONUS TIP! Showhome Furniture
We have a peaceful 80,000 sq ft store, with hot chocolate and cookies available. Come and shop, and find a friendly, relaxing atmosphere in which you can relax.

Hope your season is filled with fun and excitement!