How to Hang Art Like a Pro in Your Calgary Home
How to Hang Art Like a Pro in Your Calgary Home

June 14 2024

How to Hang Art Like a Pro in Your Calgary Home

Art has the power to enhance the vibe of your home, reflecting your personal style and adding a touch of elegance to your space.

Whether you're living in a cozy apartment or a spacious house, incorporating art into your home decor can instantly revitalize your surroundings.

At Showhome Furniture Calgary, you can find tons of art pieces and home decor items to kickstart your creative journey.

Choosing the Right Art

When it comes to infusing art into your home decor, the first step is selecting pieces that resonate with you and complement your living space.

Consider the style, colours, and themes that align with your personal aesthetic and blend seamlessly with your home's decor.

Calgary's top local furniture store, Showhome Furniture, not only specializes in beautiful, unique, or custom Canadian-made furniture but also offers a variety of art options!

Whether you're into contemporary abstract paintings or timeless black-and-white photographs, there's a diverse range of artwork to match any taste.

Planning Your Art Display Layout

Before you start hanging art at eye level, plan your layout meticulously. Utilize painter's tape to map out the arrangement of your art pieces on the wall, allowing you to visualize the display and make adjustments as needed.


Aim for a balanced look that harmonizes with the space, ensuring that your art pieces are the room's focal point.

Hanging Art at Eye Level

A common mistake is hanging art too high. The center of the artwork should be at eye level, roughly 57 to 60 inches from the floor. This rule ensures that your art is easily visible and enjoyable.

In rooms where you spend most of your time seated, such as the living room or dining room, hang art a little lower to align with your line of sight. Remember, hanging art at eye level creates a more inviting and accessible atmosphere.

Additionally, implementing the right lighting can emphasize your art pieces and enhance their visual impact. Accent lightings, such as picture lights or track lighting, can illuminate your artwork, creating a focal point in the room.

Showhome Furniture in Calgary offers a selection of light and bright home decor options that can complement your art display and protect it from fading due to direct sunlight.

Creating a Captivating Gallery Wall

A gallery wall can be a fantastic way to display a collection of art and inject personality into your home decor in Calgary. Choose a variety of frames and art styles to create an eclectic look.

This technique works particularly well in hallways, staircases, or above a sofa. For personalized home decor in Calgary, incorporate personal photos, travel mementos, and custom pieces from local Calgary artists to add a unique touch to your space.

In conclusion, hanging art like a pro is about planning, creativity, and using the right tools.

With the right art display ideas and an array of affordable options available at Showhome Furniture's 70,000 sq. ft. showroom, as well as tons of new home decor items and custom Canadian-made furniture, you can easily transform your space into a sanctuary that reflects your unique style and personality.

Don't miss out on Showhome's FREE In-store design consultation. Let us help make your dream home a reality for less! Happy decorating!