December 22 2021
Make Canada Strong by Shopping Local. Here's Why.
Never before in the history of mankind have we had the whole world at our fingertips like we do today! We can dream to buy a new Canadian furniture, upgrade our sectional or sofa, go online and have it ordered in 5 minutes and it can be delivered to our doorstep the next day. It’s incredible, and it sometimes makes us forget that there is this whole world of shopping local that is essential to our communities economies. When you shop local you are making an investment into your personal neighborhood. As business purchases from other business it strengthens the local economy and increases the tax base.
Local business care about and are invested into the well being of your community, your family and the future. They also are accountable to each other, and donate more money to non-profits within the community.
Here are the top 7 reasons why you should shop local for your home!
Your Local Economy
When you go shopping and choose to buy at Showhome Furniture Calgary, the corner store or any other store that is local to your neighborhood, more money is kept within the community. The reason is because locally owned businesses are more likely to purchase from other locally owned businesses, providers and farms. The money continues to circulate within the community reaching further and further into the common persons bank accounts, and further and further away from box nationally owned stores that take the money away from the community.
Non-Profit Benefits
Locals business owners are statistically more likely to donate to non-profit and charity programs than big box stores.
Creativity & Prosperity
The individual character of your local town, village or city is defined in part by the business that run there. This plays a huge role in your overall satisfaction of the place you live and the value of your local economies real estate.

Reduced Environmental Impact
Small businesses are most likely to locate themselves in the town center. This creates a centralized city center that makes it easier for walkers and bikers to access. Smaller buildings create less traffic, less congestion, and less pollution.
Small Business Means More Jobs
On a national scale small businesses are the #1 largest supplier jobs to the economy. The more people that work locally the less cars that are driven, the less commuting that is taking place and the less pollution that is created.
Great Customer Service
Walmart is never going to stay open an extra 10 minutes because you are running late and just have to pick up some medicine after work. A huge box store isn’t going to call you up when you don’t come in on your regular shopping day and check to see how you are doing. Small businesses hire people with more specific expertise and usually care a lot about the service they provide their customers. These people are your friends, they care about you and want you to succeed as much as you want them to succeed, this creates an environment where people are going out of their way to help each other.
Competition Lead to More Consumer Choices
A marketplace of thousands of diverse small business is a great way to ensure continued creativity, innovation and love prices over the long term. It is well known that the values and desires are more influential to your local community business than to the larger, nationally owned chain stores.
In conclusion:
“Going local does not mean walling off the outside world. It means nurturing locally owned businesses which use local resources sustainably, employ local workers at decent wages and serve primarily local consumers. It means becoming more self-sufficient and less dependent on imports. Control moves from the boardrooms of distant corporations and back into the community where it belongs.”
– Michael H. Shuman, author of the book Going Local.
Remember, at Shomehome Furniture Calgary we always have time for our clients. Stop by anytime and get a free interior design consultation with one of our onsite designers, who are delighted to help you!