Top Furniture Store in Calgary– Translation missing:– Showhome Furniture

Welcome to Showhome Furniture - Top Furniture Store in Calgary

Welcome to the blog space of the top furniture store in Calgary, your ultimate resource for home decorating: from tips to buying furnture, to decorating your home, or even financing tips. We rounded up everything for you.

Our dedicated team of experts regularly shares articles to inspire and assist you in making informed decisions about your furniture choices. From navigating the nuances of various styles, to understanding how to select quality pieces that best suit your space, to giving tips and tricks on maintaining your custom furniture, our blog has it all. Thinnk of us as your design-expert consultant.

Can't find the answers to your design questions here, send us an email at and we will be glad to include your inquiry in our next blog.

  • A Gorgeous Master Bedroom In 5 Steps!

    Have you ever noticed that often it is the master bedroom that seems to be the last to get the 'make over' and often ends up as the dumping ground for random stuff? Why is that?? I mean seriously, if...

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  • Affordable Ways To Update Your Living Room

    Last week, I did a blog on the trending colors for 2018. Afterwards someone asked for some tips on bringing those colors into their home without breaking the bank. Here are my five top ways of keeping your home looking...

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  • Why Living in a Freezing Cold Place is Good for Your Marriage!

    Why Living in a Freezing Cold Place is Good for Your Marriage! Okay, so you might be wondering exactly what your marriage has to do with furniture but let me assure you it can have a lot to do with...

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    TIPS FOR DESIGNING AN AMAZING KIDS GAME ROOM OR PLAYROOM Photo Credit: Raising six beautiful girls in our home, our family’s gotten a lot of practice planning a kid’s game or play room. Unlike other rooms in the house,...

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  • DIY Fabric Kites

    What is it about this season that makes me feel like a kid again? I was browsing Anthropologie and came across this amazing photo shoot of fabric kites and fell into love with their dreaminess!  And then I went and...

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  • Creating a Home Office

      Even if you don’t have a job that requires you to work from home, everyone should have one (or more) little corners set aside in their home for creating, working and dreaming. This can be a reclaimed secretary that...

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